
Assembler/Disassembler for the Dreamcast VMU

This project is maintained by wtetzner



Each instruction has a mnemonic (name), and between 0 and 3 arguments. Arguments are separated by commas.

Each instruction must appear on its own line.

Args Form
0 mnemonic
1 mnemonic arg
2 mnemonic arg1, arg2
3 mnemonic arg1, arg2, arg3

Argument Syntax

There are 3 different types of syntax that can be used for arguments.

  1. [Direct] The most obvious form is just a numeric expression, with no additional syntax. This is used for direct memory references, for both absolute and relative addresses. Simple numeric expressions are also used for bit specifiers.
  2. [Immediate] Immediate values start with a #, and can be followed by any numeric expression.
  3. [Indirect] Indirect references have special syntax for specifying the mode, of the form @Ri.
Syntax Type Naming Examples
Direct d9, b3, a12, a16, r8, r16 $45, my_label, label_foo + 7
Immediate i8 #$45, #my_variable, #my_variable + 2
Indirect @Ri, @Rj @R0, @R1, @R2, @R3

Instruction Reference

Arithmetic (8) Bitwise (9) Memory/Storage (9) Jump (4) Branch (8) Call (5) NOP (1)
add and ld jmp bz call nop
addc or st jmpf bnz callf  
sub xor mov br bp callr  
subc rol ldc brf bpc ret  
inc rolc push   bn reti  
dec ror pop   dbnz    
mul rorc xch   be    
div clr1 ldf   bne    
  set1 stf        


The add instruction adds its argument to the acc register. Depending on the result of the addition, the cy, ac, and ov bits are set/unset.

Form Bit Pattern Cycles
add #i8 10000001 [i7][i6][i5][i4][i3][i2][i1][i0] 1
add d9 1000001[d8] [d7][d6][d5][d4][d3][d2][d1][d0] 1
add @Ri 100001[r1][r0] 1


The addc instruction adds both its argument as well as the value of the carry bit (cy) to the acc register. Depending on the result of the addition, the cy, ac, and ov bits are set/unset.

Form Bit Pattern Cycles
addc #i8 10010001 [i7][i6][i5][i4][i3][i2][i1][i0] 1
addc d9 1001001[d8] [d7][d6][d5][d4][d3][d2][d1][d0] 1
addc @Ri 100101[r1][r0] 1


The sub instruction subtracts its argument from the acc register. Depending on the result of the subtraction, the cy, ac, and ov bits are set/unset.

Form Bit Pattern Cycles
sub #i8 10100001 [i7][i6][i5][i4][i3][i2][i1][i0] 1
sub d9 1010001[d8] [d7][d6][d5][d4][d3][d2][d1][d0] 1
sub @Ri 101001[r1][r0] 1


The subc instruction subtracts its argument as well as the value of the carry bit (cy) from the acc register. Depending on the result of the subtraction, the cy, ac, and ov bits are set/unset.

Form Bit Pattern Cycles
subc #i8 10110001 [i7][i6][i5][i4][i3][i2][i1][i0] 1
subc d9 1011001[d8] [d7][d6][d5][d4][d3][d2][d1][d0] 1
subc @Ri 101101[r1][r0] 1


The inc instruction adds one to its argument. It does not change the value of any of the psw flags.

Form Bit Pattern Cycles
inc d9 0110001[d8] [d7][d6][d5][d4][d3][d2][d1][d0] 1
inc @Ri 011001[r1][r0] 1


The dec instruction subtracts one from its argument. It does not change the value of any of the psw flags.

Form Bit Pattern Cycles
dec d9 0111001[d8] [d7][d6][d5][d4][d3][d2][d1][d0] 1
dec @Ri 011101[r1][r0] 1


The mul instruction treats the acc and c registers as a single 16-bit argument, where acc makes up the high 8 bits, and c the low 8 bits. This 16-bit argument is multiplied by the b register, resulting in a 24-bit number stored in acc, c, and b. The result has the high 8 bits in b, the middle 8 bits in acc, and the low 8 bits in c.

Form Bit Pattern Cycles
mul 00110000 7
Bit Effect
cy Cleared
ov Set if the result is greater than 16-bits, cleared otherwise
ac Unchanged


The div instruction treats the acc and c registers as a single 16-bit argument, where acc makes up the high 8 bits, and c the low 8 bits. This 16-bit argument is divided by the b register, resulting in 16-bit quotient and an 8-bit remainder. The high 8 bits of the quotient is stored in the acc register, and the low 8 bits is stored in the c register. The b register contains the remainder.

Form Bit Pattern Cycles
div 01000000 7
Bit Effect
cy Cleared
ov Set if the remainder is zero, and cleared otherwise
ac Unchanged


The and instruction does a bitwise ‘and’ operation between its argument and the acc register. It does not change the value of any of the psw flags.

Form Bit Pattern Cycles
and #i8 11100001 [i7][i6][i5][i4][i3][i2][i1][i0] 1
and d9 1110001[d8] [d7][d6][d5][d4][d3][d2][d1][d0] 1
and @Ri 111001[r1][r0] 1


The or instruction does a bitwise ‘or’ operation between its argument and the acc register. It does not change the value of any of the psw flags.

Form Bit Pattern Cycles
or #i8 11010001 [i7][i6][i5][i4][i3][i2][i1][i0] 1
or d9 1101001[d8] [d7][d6][d5][d4][d3][d2][d1][d0] 1
or @Ri 110101[r1][r0] 1


The xor instruction does a bitwise ‘xor’ operation between its argument and the acc register. It does not change the value of any of the psw flags.

Form Bit Pattern Cycles
xor #i8 11110001 [i7][i6][i5][i4][i3][i2][i1][i0] 1
xor d9 1111001[d8] [d7][d6][d5][d4][d3][d2][d1][d0] 1
xor @Ri 111101[r1][r0] 1


The rol instruction shifts the acc register one bit to the left, wrapping the most significant bit around to the least significant bit. It does not change the value of any of the psw flags.

Form Bit Pattern Cycles
rol 11100000 1


The rolc instruction shifts the acc register one bit to the left, through the cy flag. So each bit in acc is moved one to the left, the most significant bit is copied to the cy flag, and the previous value of the cy flag is copied to the least significant bit of the acc register. It does not change the value of the ac and ov flags.

Form Bit Pattern Cycles
rolc 11110000 1


The ror instruction shifts the acc register to the right, wrapping the least significant bit around to the most significant bit. It does not change the value of any of the psw flags.

Form Bit Pattern Cycles
ror 11000000 1


The rorc instruction shifts the acc register to the right, through the cy flag. So each bit in acc is moved one to the right, the least significant bit is copied to the cy flag, and the previous value of the cy flag is copied to the most significant bit of the acc register. It does not change the value of the ac and ov flags.

Form Bit Pattern Cycles
rorc 11010000 1


The clr1 instruction clears the bit specified by the argument. It does not change the value of any of the psw flags.

Form Bit Pattern Cycles
clr1 d9, b3 110[d8]1[b2][b1][b0] [d7][d6][d5][d4][d3][d2][d1][d0] 1


The set1 instruction sets the bit specified by the argument. It does not change the value of any of the psw flags.

Form Bit Pattern Cycles
set1 d9, b3 111[d8]1[b2][b1][b0] [d7][d6][d5][d4][d3][d2][d1][d0] 1


The not1 instruction flips the bit specified by the argument. It does not change the value of any of the psw flags.

Form Bit Pattern Cycles
not1 d9, b3 101[d8]1[b2][b1][b0] [d7][d6][d5][d4][d3][d2][d1][d0] 1


The ld instruction loads the contents of the memory referenced by its argument into the acc register. It does not change the value of any of the psw flags.

Form Bit Pattern Cycles
ld d9 0000001[d8] [d7][d6][d5][d4][d3][d2][d1][d0] 1
ld @Ri 000001[r1][r0] 1


The st instruction writes value of acc to the memory location referenced by its argument. It does not change the value of any of the psw flags.

Form Bit Pattern Cycles
st d9 0001001[d8] [d7][d6][d5][d4][d3][d2][d1][d0] 1
st @Ri 000101[r1][r0] 1


The mov instruction writes a constant value (the first argument) to the contents of its second argument. It does not change the value of any of the psw flags.

Form Bit Pattern Cycles
mov #i8, d9 0010001[d8] [d7][d6][d5][d4][d3][d2][d1][d0] [i7][i6][i5][i4][i3][i2][i1][i0] 2
mov #i8, @Ri 001001[r1][r0] [i7][i6][i5][i4][i3][i2][i1][i0] 1


The ldc instruction reads a value from ROM space and writes it to the acc register. The ROM address is computed by adding acc to tr. The value of tr is a 16-bit number, and is composed of trh and trl, where trh is the high 8 bits, and trl is the low 8 bits. It does not change the value of any of the psw flags.

Form Bit Pattern Cycles
ldc 11000001 2


The push instruction pushes its argument onto the stack. It first increments the value of the sp register, and then writes its argument to the position pointed to by sp. It does not change the value of any of the psw flags.

Form Bit Pattern Cycles
push d9 0110000[d8] [d7][d6][d5][d4][d3][d2][d1][d0] 2


The pop instruction pops a value from the top of the stack, and stores it in the memory pointed to by its argument. It first reads the value from the cell pointed to by sp, and writes it to acc, then it decrements the value of sp. It does not change the value of any of the psw flags.

Form Bit Pattern Cycles
pop d9 0111000[d8] [d7][d6][d5][d4][d3][d2][d1][d0] 2


The xch instruction exchanges the contents of its argument with the contents of the acc register. It does not change the value of any of the psw flags.

Form Bit Pattern Cycles
xch d9 1100001[d8] [d7][d6][d5][d4][d3][d2][d1][d0] 1
xch @Ri 110001[r1][r0] 1


The ldf instruction loads a value from flash storage into RAM.

Form Bit Pattern Cycles
ldf 01010000 ?


The stf instruction writes a value to flash storage.

Form Bit Pattern Cycles
stf 01010001 ?


The jmp instruction jumps to the address specified by its argument. The argument is a 12-bit absolute address. Because addresses are 16 bits, the high 4 bits of the address must match the high 4 bits of the address of the following instruction. It does not change the value of any of the psw flags.

Form Bit Pattern Cycles
jmp a12 001[a11]1[a10][a9][a8] [a7][a6][a5][a4][a3][a2][a1][a0] 2


The jmpf instruction jumps to the position specified by its argument. The argument is a 16-bit absolute address. It does not change the value of any of the psw flags.

Form Bit Pattern Cycles
jmpf a16 00100001 [a15][a14][a13][a12][a11][a10][a9][a8] [a7][a6][a5][a4][a3][a2][a1][a0] 2


The br instruction jumps to the address specified by its argument. The argument is an 8-bit relative address. It’s added to the address of the following instruction to compute the final address. This instruction does not change the value of any of the psw flags.

Form Bit Pattern Cycles
br r8 00000001 [r7][r6][r5][r4][r3][r2][r1][r0] 2


The brf instruction jumps to the address specified by its argument. The argument is a 16-bit relative address. The final address is computed by adding the argument to the address of the following instruction, minus one. The addition is performed modulo 65536. This instruction does not change the value of any of the psw flags.

Form Bit Pattern Cycles
brf r16 00010001 [r7][r6][r5][r4][r3][r2][r1][r0] [r15][r14][r13][r12][r11][r10][r9][r8] 4


The bz instruction branches to the address specified by its argument if the acc register is zero. The argument is an 8-bit relative address. It’s added to the address of the following instruction to compute the final address. This instruction does not change the value of any of the psw flags.

Form Bit Pattern Cycles
bz r8 10000000 [r7][r6][r5][r4][r3][r2][r1][r0] 2


The bnz instruction branches to the address specified by its argument if the acc register is not zero. The argument is an 8-bit relative address. It’s added to the address of the following instruction to compute the final address. This instruction does not change the value of any of the psw flags.

Form Bit Pattern Cycles
bnz r8 10010000 [a7][a6][a5][a4][a3][a2][a1][a0] 2


The bp instruction branches to the address specified by its argument if the specified bit of the given argument is set. The argument is an 8-bit relative address. It’s added to the address of the following instruction to compute the final address. This instruction does not change the value of any of the psw flags.

Form Bit Pattern Cycles
bp d9, b3, r8 011[d8]1[b2][b1][b0] [d7][d6][d5][d4][d3][d2][d1][d0] [r7][r6][r5][r4][r3][r2][r1][r0] 2


If the bit specified by the bpc instruction is set, it clears the bit, and branches to the address specified by its argument. The argument is an 8-bit relative address. It’s added to the address of the following instruction to compute the final address. This instruction does not change the value of any of the psw flags.

Form Bit Pattern Cycles
bpc d9, b3, r8 010[d8]1[b2][b1][b0] [d7][d6][d5][d4][d3][d2][d1][d0] [r7][r6][r5][r4][r3][r2][r1][r0] 2


The bn instruction branches to the address specified by its argument if the specified bit of the given argument is cleared. The argument is an 8-bit relative address. It’s added to the address of the following instruction to compute the final address. This instruction does not change the value of any of the psw flags.

Form Bit Pattern Cycles
bn d9, b3, r8 100[d8]1[b2][b1][b0] [d7][d6][d5][d4][d3][d2][d1][d0] [r7][r6][r5][r4][r3][r2][r1][r0] 2


The dbnz instruction decrements the value of its argument, and if the result is not zero, branches to the address specified by its argument. The argument is an 8-bit relative address. It’s added to the address of the following instruction to compute the final address. This instruction does not change the value of any of the psw flags.

Form Bit Pattern Cycles
dbnz d9, r8 0101001[d8] [d7][d6][d5][d4][d3][d2][d1][d0] [r7][r6][r5][r4][r3][r2][r1][r0] 2
dbnz @Ri, r8 010101[R1][R0] [r7][r6][r5][r4][r3][r2][r1][r0] 2


The be instruction branches if the value of the acc register (or the indirect argument in the 3-arg form) is equal to the argument given. The last argument is an 8-bit relative address. It’s added to the address of the following instruction to compute the final branch address.

Form Bit Pattern Cycles
be #i8, r8 00110001 [i7][i6][i5][i4][i3][i2][i1][i0] [r7][r6][r5][r4][r3][r2][r1][r0] 2
be d9, r8 0011001[d8] [d7][d6][d5][d4][d3][d2][d1][d0] [r7][r6][r5][r4][r3][r2][r1][r0] 2
be @Ri, #i8, r8 001101[R1][R0] [i7][i6][i5][i4][i3][i2][i1][i0] [r7][r6][r5][r4][r3][r2][r1][r0] 2
Bit Effect
cy Set to 1 if acc (or the indirect arg) is less than the operand.
ov Unchanged
ac Unchanged


The bne instruction branches if the value of the acc register (or the indirect argument in the 3-arg form) is not equal to the argument given. The last argument is an 8-bit relative address. It’s added to the address of the following instruction to compute the final branch address.

Form Bit Pattern Cycles
bne #i8, r8 01000001 [i7][i6][i5][i4][i3][i2][i1][i0] [r7][r6][r5][r4][r3][r2][r1][r0] 2
bne d9, r8 0100001[d8] [d7][d6][d5][d4][d3][d2][d1][d0] [r7][r6][r5][r4][r3][r2][r1][r0] 2
bne @Ri, #i8, r8 010001[R1][R0] [i7][i6][i5][i4][i3][i2][i1][i0] [r7][r6][r5][r4][r3][r2][r1][r0] 2
Bit Effect
cy Set to 1 if acc (or the indirect arg) is less than the operand.
ov Unchanged
ac Unchanged


The call instruction is for calling a function. The argument of the instruction is a 12-bit absolute address, which is the address of the function to call. Because addresses are 16 bits, the high 4 bits of the address must match the high 4 bits of the address of the following instruction. The address of the following instruction is pushed to the stack, as the return address. First the low 8 bits of the address are pushed, then the high 8 bits. This instruction does not change the value of any of the psw flags.

Form Bit Pattern Cycles
call a12 000[a11]1[a10][a9][a8] [a7][a6][a5][a4][a3][a2][a1][a0] 2


The callf instruction is for calling a function. The argument of the instruction is a 16-bit absolute address. The address of the following instruction is pushed to the stack, as the return address. First the low 8 bits of the address are pushed, then the high 8 bits. This instruction does not change the value of any of the psw flags.

Form Bit Pattern Cycles
callf a16 00100000 [a15][a14][a13][a12][a11][a10][a9][a8] [a7][a6][a5][a4][a3][a2][a1][a0] 2


The callr instruction is for calling a function. The argument of the instruction is a 16-bit relative address. The final address is computed by adding the argument to the address of the following instruction, minus one. The addition is performed modulo 65536. The address of the following instruction is pushed to the stack, as the return address. First the low 8 bits of the address are pushed, then the high 8 bits. This instruction does not change the value of any of the psw flags.

Form Bit Pattern Cycles
callr r16 00010000 [r7][r6][r5][r4][r3][r2][r1][r0] [r15][r14][r13][r12][r11][r10][r9][r8] 2


The ret instruction is intended to be used when returning from a function call. The insruction pops the pc register is popped from the stack: first the high 8 bits, then the low 8 bits. This instruction does not change the value of any of the psw flags.

Form Bit Pattern Cycles
ret 10100000 2


The reti instruction is intended to be used when returning from an interrupt. The insruction pops the pc register is popped from the stack: first the high 8 bits, then the low 8 bits. The VMU then resumes interrupt handling. This instruction does not change the value of any of the psw flags.

Form Bit Pattern Cycles
reti 10110000 2


The nop instruction is a no-op, meaning it does nothing. This instruction does not change the value of any of the psw flags.

Form Bit Pattern Cycles
nop 00000000 1